讓我們來看看ePub3.0在這iPad1 iBooks上面所發生的悲劇
ps. 要先聲明這本內容在Chrome的Readium呈現上沒問題,可閱讀;也感謝此編輯者提供這樣的中文直書內容供大眾使用。
有興趣閱讀此本書的讀者,可在此下載:《禿鷹的晚餐》EPUB 3電子書下載
Here's a screenshot that I took with iBooks3 of iPad1 on iOS5.
Problems that we met...
1. Hard to distinguish
- Any font-types have the limit that it's not able to support some characters.
- This situation is concerned with ePub3.0 format & font-types, not hardware & software.
2. Changed display & unfriendly functions design
From figure 2, we can see...
- Compared with iBooks on iOS4, these three rows we drew pink by the highlight function on iOS5 are similar to what we use the highlight pen to drew in the print. If u see clearly, u will find it's light & dark in color. Maybe somebody like it. :p
- According to above the statement, I also found these pink lines we drew by highlight are not smooth & neat, and it looks a bit skew.
- See the right side, some words are behind the the scroll bar...
- When I wanna drew the red line on the sentence, I found I can't drew the straight line, and it only appeared the short line in the word's bottom. Especially for paragraphs in the vertical-oriented attribution, it looks really odd...
Figure 2
Figure 3
3. Disappeared contents
- Reading is the consecutive action. If the part of contents is disappeared, it will make the readers upset & annoyed;
- on the other hand, the vertical paragraphs with the scroll context, it's not proper to read from the previous page to the next page, concerned with the reading process about eye's tracking.
Figure 4
4. Cutting
- I found the little part of words in the first sentence are cut.
Figure 5
Above all, If u read e-books of the ePub3 format with iBooks3 of iPad1 on iOS5, u could't read the whole contents.
It's only display the first page in every chapters...
When I'm confused to this problems, I found some answers from FB groups:
- First, u have to check that your ePub is correct or incorrect through Readium.
- Then, iPad1 can't upgrade iOS6 unfortunately. But don't worry, somebody suggests install Kobo app from App Store, and upload your ePub3 to the Kobo, and you can read. (I haven't tried yet, if u could, u can share with me~)
- The iOS6 Webkit support the vertical-oriented attribution.