圖片來源:2011 EPUB亞太高峰會
1. Mr. Bill McCoy, IDPF Executive Director
Keynote speech
- ePub is open for business.
- What if the format controlled by company?
2. 日本電子出版協會 村田真技術長
- 2010年,電子書市場規模達650億萬日幣,與前年相比增13.2%。
- 亞馬遜2011年末進入日本市場(可參考:Amazon.com to enter Japanese e-book market - Nikkei)
- 日本主要通用格式為:XMDF、PDF、ePub(2.0 not support Japanese typography well)
- JBasic and ePub3 is a book standard.
- ePub3 will accelerate international trade of manga & books.
- Accessibility of ePub3 will allow more people to read book.
- ePub3 will prevail and promote publishing in Japan.
3. 上海理工大學新媒體與出版傳播系 施勇勤常務副主任
- 未來趨勢:
- Content creators and providers will control pricing.
- Mobile publishing will be more rapid development.
- Professional content creation has become the important part of digital publishing industry.
- E-book distribution platform will be more perfect.
- "Cloud" will be promoted in the digital publisher.
- 未來數位出版特色:
- 碎片化
- 娛樂化
- 個性化
- 互動化
- 數位出版銷售佔中國前三為:
- 手機出版
- 網絡遊戲
- 互聯網廣告
- Any operation using binary during the publishing belongs to one part of digital publishing.
4. 香港應科院 副總裁 趙盛章博士
- UGC = User Generated Content
- Social Rreading: we...
- are all connected.
- make bookmarks and annotations.
- read at home, work & school, during commute.
- sync, share and discuss.
- Social Reading challenge: Copyright protection.....(不錯的概念,但只記到一個...)
- ePub在香港不普遍,因於ePub工具不完善;ePub主要用在於教材/育。
- 下個世代的體驗:
- More multimedia content
- Richer interactivity
- Reach out to the cloud → 電子書標準格式統一有助於雲端化
5. Dr. Yong-Sang Cho, National Standards Coordinator for Smart Media (Korea)
- E-book is growing. → 因有越來越多載具,可取得內容。
- Market trends & issues: how to get contents → Emergence of appbook; requirements for multimedia and interaction
- Digital content type on laptop, called digital textbook → Need downsizing to tablets and thin clients with digital publishing.
- In Korea, digital publishing for textbooks is a big-triggers.
- Requirements for convergence model: Same content, but different delivery users.
- Smart on ICT → Smart Media, Smart Education, Smart Learning.
- We should think about:
- what is smart media?
- what's main role for smart media that u think? → Communication on usual, or another is content.
6. 香港突破出版社 馬鎮梅總編輯及出版經理
主題:Digital Publishing: Learn by Doing
- Digital platform strategy:
- Information Literacy → Information overload; Information discussion, integration, and application.
- Communication Quality → Content depth
- Dialogic Communication → Facilitate self-reflection
7. 日本集英社數位事業部副總經理 Yutaka Tashiro, 技術總監 Toru Konishi
主題:The Manga format proposed SHUEISHA in EPUB3.0
- 漫畫:
- 漫(步) → Enjoy life → 筆者是用漫活去理解
- 畫 → Drawing
- Publishing don't want ePub! → Technology shouldn't control the creation.
- Digital Manga from now on, new concepts:
- Browse frame → Select frame → Clip frame
- Paste frame in SNS and devices.
- Challenge of ePub3.0 → No specific rules for fixed layout of pages
- Optimizing viewing experience for each divices → Original layout in print:
- Panel viewing for small screen
- Page viewing for large screen
8. 日本索尼數位閱讀軟體部門副總 Hiraku Inoue
主題:Sony Reader Store Future Strategy with ePub3
- Reader Store has 3 key strategies:
- Global Distribution
- Multi-devices
- Various Content, like: books, color books, magazines, and mangas.
- What did/will Sony do?
- Sony has been endorsing the ePub2 standard.
- 2008 launched the world's first ePub2 commercial device.
- 2009 switched as titles from BBeB to ePub2.
- Sony Reader Store is committed to ePub3.
- Start the world's first ePub3 distribution from Japan very soon!
9. 上海世紀創榮數字信息科技有限公司 陸綱執行總監
To be continue...